

Which university you choose is one of the most important choices you'll make, 所以你需要做一些计划和准备. 但是从哪里开始呢? Follow these steps to ensure you get started on the right path.


这是一切开始的时候. Underst和 the timing 和 steps you need to take to become an NDSU student.


  • Review your courses for this year – be sure to take courses required for admission or preparation into your field of study.
  • Consider the availability of dual credit, early entry or advanced placement courses. 如果你的高中不提供, check with your local college to see if you can take coursework for credit there.
  • Meet with your high school counselor to review career options 和 college majors.
  • 参加 a college fair 和 collect information on a variety of schools.
  • Visit with college representatives who come to your high school.
  • Start a filing system for mailings 和 emails to organize information from schools. Begin with a list of schools you find interesting 和 list reasons why.

年1 - 2月刊

  • As you select courses for your senior year, take into consideration admission guidelines. 一定要上适合你研究领域的课程. 
  • 确定你的学术优势和劣势, 和 areas of study you may want to continue at the college level. 向你的高中辅导员寻求帮助.
  • Job shadow or interview professionals to learn more about careers that interest you. 
  • 制定一个大学计划. 查看经济援助信息 studentaid.政府 和 review 奖学金的信息 from the schools you're interested in. Both offer great options to help you 和 your family establish a plan for how you'll pay for college. 


  • 研究型大学提供你感兴趣的专业. 向你的高中辅导员寻求帮助, 参加大学博览会, look at college websites 和 contact those schools for more information.
  • 探索专业和职业 重点2乐虎集团. 重点2乐虎集团 is an interactive assessment that suggests potential majors 和 career options based on your interests, 优点和个性. 
  • 坚持学习,在有挑战的科目上寻求帮助.
  • 考虑参加PSAT, SAT或ACT.
  • 参加课外活动.
  • 利用大学探索和比较工具,如 利基市场.
  • 参加 小天 在NDSU. 
  • 亲自参观NDSU. Daily visits may include a meeting with an 入学辅导员, 和一个在读学生一起参观校园, 在可能的情况下, a meeting with a faculty member in your area(s) of academic interest. 
  • 探索NDSU的 学术项目

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  • 继续评估你名单上的大学. 访问他们的网站,了解校园里发生了什么. 
  • 把暑期打工的钱存起来,以备大学学费. 
  • Prepare a list of questions for your campus visits to make the most of the experience.
  • 拜访大学可以帮助你缩小你的名单. Plan to tour the campus 和 meet with an 入学辅导员 和 faculty member in your interest area. Students may be on summer break, but you can get a feel for the campus layout.
  • 向你的 入学辅导员 to talk more about your interests 和 make sure you're on the right track. 

Make sure you’re prepared to take the final steps of your college application process.


  1. 缩小你的大学选择范围. 
  2. 研究 private scholarship sources 和 contact them for application information. 


  1. 参加大学博览会. 拜访NDSU的代表. 
  2. Visit college websites 和 contact schools you’re interested in for information 和 applications. Be aware of application deadlines 和 create a timeline or calendar. 这应包括:
    • 招生 
    • 住房 
    • 奖学金
    • 金融援助 
  3. 错过最后期限会改变一切.
  4. Ask teachers, coaches, counselors 和 other mentors for letters of recommendation. 

本月开始申请新大入学. It’s best to complete your application during fall semester to ensure that information about scholarships, 住房, 取向, 并准时收到登记. 透过“ 在线申请


  1. 安排第二次参观你的首选校园. 看看上课时的校园是什么样子.
  2. 开始免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).
    • 有用的信息和说明在网上 www.studentaid.政府
    • When completing the FAFSA, be sure to list NDSU's code, 002997. 
    • 我们强烈鼓励使用 IRS数据检索工具 确保您的税务资料易于转移. 
    • NDSU提交FAFSA的优先截止日期是2月1日. 
  3. With the help of your English teacher, get started on your application essays if one is required. 
  4. Complete 和 submit college applications, especially if you are applying for Early Decision.

如果你还没有去过校园,请在探索NDSU期间参观. 日期和时间可在 发现NDSU 页面. 




  1. Students with outst和ing academic records are encouraged to review 奖学金的信息
  2. 如果你还没有参观过学校的话,可以安排一次参观. Call the Campus Visit Coordinator at least a week before your visit, at 800-488-NDSU or 701-231-8643. 您也可以将您的请求提交到 ndsu.admission@bofgirls.com


  1. 乐虎集团 to any colleges remaining on your list, if you haven't already. 保留你的申请的副本. Promptly return all forms mailed to you by colleges where you've applied. 
  2. 提交住房申请, or find out about 住房 options in the community if arrangements aren’t made for you. 
  1. 优先截止日期 保证奖学金 2月1日. Students who have submitted all required application materials 和 meet required scholarship criteria as of the February 1 priority deadline are guaranteed an award. Students completing the admission process after February 1 will be considered for scholarships based on the funds available.   
  2. 完成文书工作,如 住宅乐虎集团程序新生奖学金申请


  1. If early financial aid estimates are available at any of the colleges you are considering, 检查申请的截止日期. 
  2. 检查所需文件和表格的截止日期, 比如存款, 住房合同, 以及选择性项目的补充申请.
  3. 参加高中的经济援助信息项目.

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  1. 保持你的成绩. 成绩下降会影响录取.
  2. Check with your school counselor 和 local organizations for more scholarship opportunities.
  3. 继续为大学费用存钱.
  4. Watch the mail for information on admission, scholarship opportunities, 和 住房.
  1. 申请的截止日期 额外冠名奖学金 2月1日. 你必须被录取才能申请这些奖学金. 
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by NDSU's priority deadline of February 1. 
  3. 如果你还没有参观过学校的话,可以安排一次参观. Call the Campus Visit Coordinator at least a week before your visit, at 800-488-NDSU or 701-231-8643. 您也可以将您的请求提交到 ndsu.admission@bofgirls.com

5月- 6月

  1. 决定你想上哪所大学. 确认你的出席,如果需要的话. 取消你不想去的学校的录取. 
  2. 问问题. This is a new experience for you, 和 we want you to have the answers. 如果你需要的话,打电话给学校寻求帮助. 
  1. 在探索NDSU期间参观校园. 日期和时间都在 发现NDSU 页面.
  2. If you have received an NDSU scholarship, be sure to reply 和 accept your award by May 1.
  3. 承诺在5月1日前进入新大学习.
  4. 报名参加暑期迎新. 日期和时间将在4月份邮寄给所有被录取的学生. 
  5. 你的高中有没有把你的正式成绩单寄到新大. Your transcript must have a graduation date 和 final grade point average. 
  6. If you took college coursework while in high school, have your official transcript sent to NDSU.